DevOps-2: Learn about Linux
DevOps Tutorial Outline:-
- DevOps-1: Introduction to DevOps
- DevOps-2: Learn about Linux
- DevOps-3: Version Control System [Git]
- DevOps-4: Source Code Management (SCM) [Github]
- DevOps-5: CI/CD [Jenkins]
- DevOps-6: Software and Automation Testing Framework [Selenium]
- DevOps-7: Configuration Management [Ansible]
- DevOps-8: Containerization [Docker]
- DevOps-9: Continuous Monitoring [Nagios]
- DevOps-10: Continuous Orchestration [Kubernetes]
DevOps-2: Learn about Linux - Outline
- 2.1. Learning Objective
- 2.2. Linux Introduction
- 2.3. Basic Linux commands
2.1. Learning Objective
- Workflow of Linux Operating System
- Popular Linux Distributions
- Importance of Linux DevOps
- Basic commands of Linux
2.2. Linux Introduction
Linux is an open-source operating system that manages the communication between software and hardware of a system.
Components of Linux OS:-
- Bootloader: A software to manage the booting process of a computer that mostly comes as a splash screen to boot into an OS.
- Kernel: The core of a system that manage CPU, memory and peripheral devices and is the basic level of an OS.
- Init System: A subsystem that bootstraps the user space and is charged with controlling daemons.
- Daemons: Background services such as printing, sound and scheduling.
- Graphical Server: A subsystem to display graphics on the monitor, commonly referred as an X server or X.
- Desktop Environment: The component with which users interact the most and includes build-in applications.
- Applications: High-quality software application can be easily found using App store like tools that simplify application installation.
Linux Distributions:-
Linux distributions or distros are different versions of the Linux OS offered to suit any type of users. Popular linux distributions are Ununtu, Debian, CentOS, Fedora, Linux Mint, OpenSUSE, Archlinux, Elementary OS.
Importance of Linux in DevOps
- Faster Development on Linux
- Open Source
- Flexible
- Scalable
Linux Administration
Linux administration is about managing system operation, such as,
- File backup and restorations
- Disaster recovery
- New system builds
- Hardware, software and user maintenance
- File system housekeeping
- Application installation and configuration
2.3. Basic Linux commands
Some of the basic linux commands,
ls: Command to list files and directory
cd: Command to change the current or active directory
sudo: Change the current user to a super/root user.
mv: Used to move a file or rename a file.
rm: Remove files in a directory.
rm -r: remove all the contents of a directory.
mkdir: create a directory in the current directory
chmod: change a file mode to r- read, w- write or x- execute
chown: change the ownership of a file/folder
cat: View the contents of a file
echo: Display a text or string to the standard output or a file.
clear: clear the terminal screen.
apt-get: A package manager to install, remove and upgrade software package.
history: command to show previously used commands.
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